Thursday, July 22, 2010


So with staging news finally sent out and my tickets confirmed the realness of the situation finally sunk in yesterday. Somewhere around 2pm I began to fill out forms required for staging and came across the one titled life insurance. Apparently you must either waive or accept the fee. Choosing to accept the fee was a no brainer but choosing how much money I would like to leave my family in case something were to happen made me freak out a little. At the ripe age of 22 years old it's surreal to have to designate who will receive the small sum of money. But so are the perils of the road I have chosen to take, much to the chagrin of my close family and friends.

On a lighter note, I have to download tons of music since I recently deleted most of it and make sure my undergrad loans are under control. Luckily the horrid phone calls have been made and all that is left is the paperwork to be signed and dated. As far as music I'm trying to make sure I have enough to not be bored within the first month of arrival. A slightly harder but albeit fun task since I have to first remember all the music I've ever liked in the past 10 years. Any suggestions will be taken!

Off I am to go think some more of what's to come. Seems it gets harder to go to sleep at a decent hour every night. Then again that may just be due to my like of adventure during the day.

1 comment:

  1. Haha I thought the life insurance bit was kinda ominous as well
