Wednesday, July 28, 2010

21 days!!!!!

Have I started packing yet?

Have I begun to plan my going away party/last hurrah?

Have I finished purchasing all my stuff?

Have I just spent today on youtube watching videos on the Peace Corps?

I guess some things don't change after college... man oh man, I really should start but there are soooo many more interesting things to do (and eat) then pack. As I write this my mom is making food and the smells of chile, and tacos de papa are slowly starting to settle in. The true challenge isn't getting ready to leave, it's eating everything I possibly can before the 18th. Last night I had my first sloppy joe compliments of my lovely boyfriend and I have pho, bbq ribs, Italian deli sandwiches and all the Mexican food I can get my hands on left. I'm making myself hungry... I think ill go help my mom, aka pick at food before she notices and gets angry. : )

p.s. I just discovered google reader (in my quest to do everything but what I NEED to do) and it might be my new favorite way to procrastinate. On the left you will see a column titled "Things I'm interested in" where I've showcased (mainly) alllll of the amusing articles that pop up in my reader. Take a peek, its quite revolutionary (but only a tiny bit).

1 comment:

  1. I'm right there with you. Yesterday instead of completing forms, I went to the taco truck and clicked around everyone's blogs...oops! I'll get it done, I'll just get it done later. ;-)
